Hey everybody check out the new airliner to the Philippines! Some of you may have already seen it flying around but what the hey:

Anywho the moral of the story is: "Don't believe everything you read, especially on the Internet! " =) Trust me, this will come in handy. My lack of trust for a lot of things, even people has saved me so many times I can't even count.
At any rate, I personally fly Continental most of the time mainly because I take advantage of the miles any way I can. If you live on Guam, one of the first things you need to do is sign up for the Continental Onepass Membership.
By the way, we pinoys tend to discriminate against our own so for me, being a brown skin pinoy flying Continental allows me to fly in a neutral setting. Yep, you read right, we pinoys tend to respect others more than we respect each other, it's a shame but it is true, and you know it. That and our "Crab Mentality" are 2 of our people's most undesireable traits, but let's not focus on that. =) I'll try to concentrate on our positives going forward, unless I go off on one of those tangents.
Hey at least I'm not in denial! ;)