A brief history:
I've been living in my current home for about 10 years now. My power bill has averaged anywhere from $175 to $250 per month depending of course on our usage, while my water bill has averaged anywhere from $30 to $70 per month depending again on usage over the course of 10 years. Simple right? Apparently not.
Welcome to my Nightmare:
A couple of days ago, I routinely checked my mail,.. and I routinely received my utility bills in the mail that day too. So I opened up the power bill first because that is usually higher and is the one that I am "usually" concerned about. Ok, whew! No surprises there. For some reason, I elect to open up my water bill as well, which I am not normally worried about. Here is a partial image of what I found:
What the??!! Apparently I all of a sudden consumed almost a MILLION GALLONS OF WATER IN FEBRUARY??!! But, wait, that's not all, I was OFF-ISLAND FOR 2 WEEKS IN FEBRUARY TOO! Sooo,,.. that means I consumed almost 1 MILLION GALLONS OF WATER IN 2 WEEKS!!
As you can also see above on the right hand side, my previous bill was $44.14 which is within my average. Now they are billing me $4,099.56!!!!!!! W... T.... F!!!!!!!???
That is not the worst of this experience, now for the call to GWA the next day.
So I had to wait until the next day to call because it was after working hours already for them, let's say about 4:02 in the afternoon? Just kidding. ;) Anyway, since I wasn't able to get any sleep knowing that I had just received the biggest bill of my personal life, I had to calm myself down to make the call to customer service.
Here are the details of the call to the best of my recollection:
GWA: Guam Waterworks
Me: Hi, yeah I have a problem with my billing, I have been averaging around $40 to $70 per month for 10 years and all of a sudden I am being billed for over $4,000 with almost 1 Million Gallons of water consumed... {expecting some sort of reaction}
GWA: Account Number Please
GWA: Ok just to let you know that your previous billings were based only on estimates,...
Me: What? What are you talking about? What do you mean?? Are you telling me that this is really how much I owe??
GWA: I'm just telling you that your previous billings were only based on estimates and that we will need to investigate it further.
Me: Well PLEASE DO!!
GWA: Excuse me?
Me: I said Please DO! {hmm,.. I wonder what she thought I said?;)}
GWA: You will need to fax a map and call us back within 2 Weeks.
Me: Ok, wait, just so we are clear, are you folks NOT having any other issues like this?? Is it only me??
GWA: Yes sir we are having many issuess like this..
Me: Ok then I'll fax it
I hang-up, draw a map, and try to fax it to the number she gave, it just kept ringing with no answer. So I called GWA again:
GWA: Guam Waterworks
Me: I've been trying to fax but the machine is not answering..
GWA: What does the machine say?
Me: N-o M-a-c-h-i-n-e A-n-s-w-e-r. =P'
GWA: Hold on, I will have to walk over to where the machine is..
Me: Was it off?
GWA: {delay} It's working fine it's receiving faxes.
Me: OOOO,,...KKKK,....
GWA: Just keep trying,..
Me: I'll try now can't you just watch it?
GWA: I need to return to my post now just keep trying.
Me: {frustrated} Ok
After hanging up, all of a sudden the fax machine was busy. Yup, just as I thought, it was off, they just didn't want to admit it. They just assume that all of their customers are idiots.
Look, I run a business too, and I have some simple tips s for everyone in Customer Service:
- a little empathy goes a long way,
- try to put yourself in the customers shoes, in their situation, then you'll understand, and only then can you truly help them,
- if you or the company makes a mistake, admit it, they'll respect you more for it,
- your salary is getting paid by your business' customers so please, show some respect yourself, the Government is no exception.
Having some IT and Management background, I have a tip for GWA Management to consider as well:
- It should be easy enough to tag Residential Accounts that either have a usage that is TOO HIGH for a Residence, or if this month's bill is unusually LARGE as compared to the previous months, with some simple code in their billing output programs,
- Add more controls and Audit your Billing Please.
For now, I wait, but you never know, who knows what is going on here..
Drenched in Dededo (in almost 1 Million Gallons of Invisible Water) =P'