Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I don't believe in the Stereotypes, but this is too funny!

Stereotyping is uncool, but this video showing a blonde in a library was too funny for me to resist posting it. ;)

Pinoy stereotyping is the worst because we discriminate against ourselves. Don't you ever notice that if pinoys are the ones servicing they automatically give respect to the foreigners and just assume that the brown pinoy sitting over there is a nobody? You'll notice the next time you go to the Philippines, everyone wants to be white, japanese or chinese... nobody wants to be pinoy. For males it is especially hard to become attractive to the filipinas especially if you are an alpha male of some sort. Most Pinay girls are now attracted to guys that have smooth white skin, silky shiny hair, clean cut nails and wears pink shirts left and right. Basically their attracted to... girls!! Hey!... girl on girl action yeah!! ;D he he just kidding. Maybe THAT was what Michael Jackson was thinking when he did what he did with his skin?..

Anyway, here is the cool blonde video, enjoy!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Does any of this look familiar? It does to me! ;)

So how good of a student were you? If you say bad, or pretty bad,.. I don't think any of you would even come close to some of the examples I have of actual test papers here. No, none of them are mine, but mine do come pretty close, you know, ... we as kids had a lot on our minds,.. toys,.. cartoons,.. girls that had cooties... <---- what the hell are those anyway? Well whatever they are I guess as we mature (yeah right!) we grow to love them. =D


My Comment: Is this the early adaptation of the Transformer equation?

My Comment: Mission, Possible.

My Comment: Oh yes, he just passed puberty. ;)

My Comment: Never tell Peter to "Break a leg."

My Comment: Puberty, phase 2.a

My Comment: Recommended Career: Abstract Art Critic.

My Comment: Ideal Candidate to handle Enron's Finances.

My Comment: Even the smart ass question to the question doesn't make sense,.. SideKick!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Funny Car Ads! (Warning: Not advised for Animal Lovers with Lack of Sense of Humor)

I would first and foremost like to state that I Love Cars AND Animals. I can only hope and expect that the following are CGI and that no animals were hurt in these Ads but as a Car Lover, I can certainly appreciate wanting to keep the cats from scratching my car's paint and keeping the birds from pooping on my car as well. ;)

Car Lovers: Enjoy! =D
Animal Lovers: Read the other posts, don't watch these videos, they may be disturbing. ;)

Enough talk, if you've got a sense of humor just watch and Enjoy!!

Warning: This next one below might be unsuitable for the faint of heart or lack of sense of humor. You have been warned. Proceed at your own risk.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Clue: More about us Men

Hey guys, here is a good one. Girls, here is another good example of how men are. ;) This is an example of how Real Men us Post-Its! HA HA HA.. Ok well maybe only the Real StudMeisters like Stars that have groupies throwing themselves at them and they are having trouble remembering all of their names. he he...
