Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Ultimate Flattery OR Corporate Espionage?

What do you think of this picture? What is it really? he he.. Of course it is merely a publicity stunt but this kind of thing happens all the time.

A good example is how one company partnered itself up with a new, up and coming company a couple of years ago that had an Innovating New Service only to try to obtain trade secrets, attempt to hire employees and eventually steal the Innovators customers. (Hint hint.. yes this is on Guam and yes, you know who they are! =D) They then tried to ride off of the Innovating companies coat tails and confuse the hell out of the consumers. This is just bad Business Ethics, but hey, Karma will catch up to All of Us, eventually. Whether it is Good or Bad, it will come back to us in the end, because life is like a "Circle",.. he he.. ;)

Although, the sample above is nothing like the funny picture below, since Ronald McDonald is the innovator in this case and maybe he is just trying to see who's burger is better? hehe..


Anonymous said...

Oh sorta like that text 2 pinas thing ? They said first on Guam sila pero syner-g was di ba? Dose guys talaga! haaaaay

Manny said...

Exactly groovethang! ha ha ha! We are all a victim of that kind of misleading marketing ploy.. It's embarrasing.

Kaso nga lang if you know the peeps over at G-Tech they are too nice to play against "Dirty Tactics" like that. =D

I guess in this case, they are "Imitated but never Duplicated." Hey that's kinda catchy isn't it?

Sigurado ako patuloy na magiging honest yung una at yung pangalawa ay patuloy na may masamang lasa if you know what I mean. ;)

Thanks for reading.

Manny said...

It appears as though that there is an anonymous comment that I am not comfortable publishing. Sorry anonymous, I will let the folks at the respective companies refer to your comments.

Thanks for reading.