Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Wii are the Champions!! =D

Hey everyone! Have you seen the Wii vs PS3 Commercial? If not, here it is!:

This Ad pretty much sums up why Wii are kicking arss in the Console Wars!

If you love Graphics and Network Games, you'll probably like the XBox. If you like Graphics and lots of options of Games, you'll want a PS3. If you just want to have fun boy do Wii have the answer for you! he he. Thank You, Thank You Very Much. ;)

Bottom-Line: The Wii is fun for the WHOLE family, and I DO mean EVERYONE, yes even our parents! ;) It is re-defining the demographic of Game Players all over the world. If you play your cards right, Wii can even help you lose weight! Instead of moving only your fingers to play games, you are actually moving,.. swinging your hand to throw a bowling ball, swinging to one side really fast to hit a baseball etc. You have got to try it to believe it. I did, and I do! =D

Hope this helps you decide what console to get.

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